
Metal Tube Rotameter (Model No. RJN-MTR-25)

Metal Tube Rotameter basically a variable area flowmeter. The diffrential pressure across the annulus area is constant and the Flowrate is measured as a function of the position of annulus area created by float position. The position of the float is sensed by a magnet and indicated On the dial in terms of flow rate. We are one of the leading manufacturer of Metal Tube Rotameter.

Suitable For Measuring Flow Rate For Translucent Opaque Liquid, Gases Under High Temp. & Pressure.

  • Flow Range: 100 to 100,000 LPH of water at ambient temp. 30 to 2000 NM3/Hr off air at NPT
  • Fluid: Liquids & Gases
  • Line Size: 15mm NB to 200mm NB
  • Material of wetted part: SS304 / SS316 / PP / PVC / Teflon Linned.
  • Temperature: Up to 150°C
  • Pressure: Up to 10 kg/cm2
  • Accuracy: ±2 % full flow
  • Accessories: * Steam jacketing * High & low flow alarms * 4-20mA transmitter out put * Digital Indicator, Totaliser.